604.899.1105 info@stillwaterit.ca

Total world domination. That’s where we think Microsoft 365 is headed.

In our work as IT professionals, we’ve seen this tool grow and grow in popularity to the point where Microsoft reports that more than one million companies worldwide make use of this office suite software, including about three-quarters of a million in the U.S. and more than 80,000 in Canada.

First launched in June 2011, the cloud-based Microsoft Office 365 makes it easier to accomplish the three C’s: creating, collaborating, and communicating. These are all things that are necessary to make a business more effective and productive, whether you’re working from the office or – more recently – joining the droves of people that are working from home and are likely to remain there for the time being, at least.

What’s in Microsoft 365 Office?

Microsoft 365 is often referred to as an office “suite” because it’s a compilation of seven different programs that help businesses accomplish a variety of tasks and that assist co-workers in functioning together, regardless of where they are located. These programs are:

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Outlook
  • OneNote
  • OneDrive

Each, of course, has a different function though they work seamlessly together.

Key reasons to try Microsoft 365

  • Accessing files from anywhere – We can’t say it enough! In this new world of work-from-home, it’s essential that you have a program in place that allows you to access what you need from anywhere and on any device. Even when Covid is a thing of the past, some employees may continue to work from home while others might resume work-based travel. As such, this benefit is essential.
  • Secure storage in the cloud – We all know that protecting data, emails, and more is paramount these days, and Microsoft 365 provides businesses with a totally secure environment. It has stellar security measures in place, including two-factor authentication, which makes it nearly impossible for someone to simply log on to your computer or other device and access important records. Their threat detection measures are also excellent and malware can be identified quickly and stopped in its tracks.
  • Ease of collaboration – No matter where you might be, you can very easily share files or co-author in real time with ease. You can also instantly chat while you’re working by using Skype or by using the chat-based workspace known as Teams. By getting everyone on Teams, co-workers can discuss projects with ease as well as look back on previous conversations and more.
  • Predictable costs and scalability – Because Microsoft 365 is a per-user, per-month subscription-type service, you likely won’t have any surprise costs associated with using this cloud-based office suite. You choose the level of functionality that’s right for your business and pick and choose applications that are relevant to your business, then you’re billed according to what you’ve selected. You can make changes easily whenever the need arises, so if you’re downsizing or upsizing, there shouldn’t be any problem adapting Microsoft 365 to your new size.
  • No interruption of business – Because files are stored in the cloud and backed up on a regular basis, interruptions caused by any number of factors aren’t a problem. The recovery features associated with the program are excellent as well, so you can sit back and relax without worrying about losing precious data and more.
  • Automatic upgrades – Don’t you just hate those reminders that ask if you have the latest version of whatever it is you’re working on? With Microsoft Office 365, all upgrades happen automatically at predetermined intervals, so you don’t have to be bothered by those pesky messages. That also means there’s no need to buy new “updated” software.
  • Cost-savings with the Cloud – Because you are using cloud-based software, you can eliminate hardware and servers, offering a huge savings. As a matter of fact, some Microsoft users report as much as a 150 percent return-on-investment when they switch to Office 365, according to data released by the company.

Not convinced yet? Need more data to support a move to Microsoft 365? We can provide you with all the information you need to make an educated choice about this cloud-based office suite. To schedule a consultation with one of Stillwater’s professionals, call us at 604-899-1105.